CAI Studios

Cambridge AI Studios

BragHouse: Pre-IPO AI Strategy

Brag House

CAI developed a strategic roadmap for BragHouse to implement AI for engaging gaming and business growth. We are currently building-out three solutions that we proposed, with the company anticipating our work to double their valuation to $40M.


BragHouse Corporation is an innovative and successful social gaming platform, headquartered in New York. The company has raised $4 million in funding, and is preparing for an IPO in November. They have closed revenue deals with Coca-Cola and McDonald’s, as well as becoming the Denver Broncos’ exclusive gaming company.

Our Project:

Brag House has engaged Cambridge AI Studios to outline a vision for the platform’s technological advancement. Recognizing the transformative power of AI, we have assisted Brag House in formulating a comprehensive strategy that fully capitalizes on the potential of AI technology in several facets of their platform. This forward-thinking strategy encompasses AI initiatives such as automating in-game statistics and providing predictive insights to users with AI. Additionally, we outline approaches for AI to enhance audience engagement with sentiment analysis and as well as delivering targeted, personalized advertisements to users, ultimately developing a stronger business model for Brag House.